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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Camagüey, CIGB, Fidel, anniversary

Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Center Celebrates Anniversary

Camagüey, July 10 - Less than fifteen days before the 35th anniversary of Fidel's visit to the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, the workers of this important research institution ratify their main commitments associated with vaccine components.

Among them, the overfulfillment of the delivery plan of Gavac and Porvac vaccines to the national agriculture and progress in the main Research and Development projects, specifically in the vaccine candidate against prostate cancer and in the evaluation of new bioproducts for agriculture stand out.

Gavac® is a commercial vaccine for the control of the bovine tick (Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus) that uses the Bm86 protein as the vaccine antigen.

Sources consulted confirm that it is manufactured in multi-dose vials and is administered in two-dose schedules on days 0 and 28, followed by a booster dose every six months.

Porvac® is a protein subunit vaccine against classical swine fever virus, non-replicative, safe for animals and the environment, with rapid protection within five days after application.

It is worth mentioning that in the field of Biomedicine, the center researches and develops vaccines and biopharmaceutical products for the treatment and prevention of diseases.

In the field of Animal Biotechnology, the field of action is related to vaccines for veterinary use and in aquatic organisms.

The Biotechnology of Plants of the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology works for the development of bioproducts for the treatment of pests, growth stimulation and treatment of phytopathogenic fungi, as is the case of the bionematicide Hebernem, widely used in Cuban agriculture.

The political and cultural program was also announced by Doctor of Science Nemecio González Fernández, director of the institution, and the political and cultural activities begin on July 21, in the afternoon, with a floral offering to Major Ignacio Agramonte in the park that bears his name and a visit to the Interpretation Center of the City of Camagüey, with a vision of this city from the model, located in these premises.

The scientific agenda of the 22nd is wide-ranging at the Santa Cecilia Convention Center, with topics such as CIGB, a model of integration of different institutions: Biocubafarma. Results and challenges. New biomedical and agricultural research at CIGB.

In the afternoon, in the Plaza de la Revolución Mayor General Ignacio Agramonte, homage will be paid to Fidel, in the same place where he remained on his way to immortality in Santiago de Cuba.

It also includes a political and cultural act in the Plaza de la Revolución Mayor Ignacio Agramonte, cancellation of the XXXV Anniversary Stamp/Envelope, recognition to founding workers and workers with more than 30 years of service, discussion/launching of the model of the book: Fidel and the CIGB of Camagüey, and at 8:30 pm a cultural evening at the Theater Principal. (Text: Enrique Atienzar Rivero/collaborator of Radio Cadena Agramonte) (Photos: RCA Archive)

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