For the people of Camagüey, the entry of the Freedom Caravan on January 4, 1959 meant the beginning of a new era, the victory of the Cuban Revolution and the end of a regime that had been considered oppressive.
Camagüey, Dec. 21.- On December 22, Cuba pays tribute to its educators, fundamental figures in the formation of future generations. This special day highlights the importance of education in the construction of a more just and equitable society. Schools are full of activities, where students and teachers celebrate the commitment and dedication that characterizes those who choose this noble profession.
Camaguey, Dec 7. - On December 7, Cuba became a scene of deep respect and solemnity by receiving the remains of brave internationalists who offered their lives in defense of just causes in various parts of the world.
48 Septembers Fidel inaugurated the Vocational Institute of Exact Sciences (IPVCE), today Ciudad Escolar, Máximo Gómez Báez in Camag?ey.
The Crocodile Farm located in the municipality of Minas, in the province of Camagüey, is a reference in the conservation and care of reptiles in Cuba.
The youth of Camagüey and Cuba contribute from every work position, learn from the most experienced generations in each profession and make the workplace another space to make friends and contribute to their country.
The city grows every day with the hearts and work of its people; So much so, that in its streets, buildings and public spaces in general, locals have written a good part of their lives and profess infinite love for a place that, even thousands of kilometers away, occupies an indelible part of memories and passions.
Images that speak for themselves of the natural beauties of Cuba reveal the look around Cuba of the Naturaleza Secreta team, whose recent expedition through the north of Camagüey, and the resulting photographs, dazzle for the riches contained in them.
Their faces confirm how much joy summer brings. At times the suffocating heat stops bothering and the enjoyment to which the summer season invites prevails, even more so if it is in a small oasis in the midst of the hectic routine of the half-millennial city.
Since June 24, Camagüey lives its San Juan. It is the most traditional cultural event in this region of Cuba, an expression of the most autochthonous values of a people that each year revives essences and customs, not exempt from the traces of time and modernity.
A colorful group of young people from Camagüey opened the parade for the International Workers' Day in the city of Camagüey and the unmistakable faces of the future and the present were followed by many others with the joy of belonging to a Homeland that always grows and is surpassed by the quality of its people.
The offers of footwear, jewelry, saddlery and textiles are, without a doubt, some of the most demanded of the National Fair of Crafts and Gifts Art for Mom.