the Educator's Day is celebrated in Cuba because on the same date in 1961 after the end of the Literacy Campaign and the country was proclaimed Territory Free of Illiteracy.
December 10 marks Human Rights Day, a day declared by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948, under the premise that all humanity is free and equal.
Santiago de Cuba has a large number of museums and sites to get closer to history and its protagonists; spaces that take us to a glorious past and call for reflection on who we are today. But it is perhaps the Santa Ifigenia cemetery, founded in 1868 and considered an open-air museum, one of the most valuable, because it contains the remains of worthy men and women.
Every November 17, International Student Day is commemorated in remembrance of nine young Czechoslovakians killed in 1939 by Nazi troops, fighting for democracy, peace and social progress.
As long as there is love, altruism, solidarity and humanism, no blockade or law imposed by the Government of the United States can turn off the smile and hope in the face of any Cuban children, adolescent, or youngman.
Once, the people of Camaguey saw the departure of a plane that wrote one of the saddest events in the history of Cuba; once again, flowers reach each river in this province to honor the legendary man.
Located near the Hatibonico River and the Juan del Toro stream, adorned by the Casino Campestre trees - the largest urban park in Cuba - the Camagüey Zoo is one of the favorite spaces for local and foreign visitors to have healthy spare time.
The elderly care program is strengthened in the province of Camagüey through specialized medical assistance and the development of promotion, prevention and rehabilitation actions in Nursing Homes and Grandparents' Houses, in order to promote healthy aging.
Solidarity makes us better human beings, and fortunately, these days, it flourishes among Cubans at the bus stops and shipping points.
What is love but that common force that takes the feeling everywhere? And it is that the love summons in all its manifestations: art, human beauty, friendship, family, the couple. Love is the work that is built from a shared universe, is where the infinite becomes an act of creation, is that and much more. It is finally, practice of life.
The interpretation centre Camagüey Ciudad Patrimonio belongs to the Office of the City Historian. Its main objective is to promote and to preserve the heritage values of this city.
Van Horne Boulevard is a new attraction in Camagüey city. The street was in construction for a long time and today people from Camagüey can enjoy modern railway history from diverse proposals.