As long as there is love, altruism, solidarity and humanism, no blockade or law imposed by the Government of the United States can turn off the smile and hope in the face of any Cuban children, adolescent, or youngman.
Faced with the maneuvers aimed at promoting hunger and diseases, because of the cruelty of the White House for the recolonization of this Island, the social programs created and enhanced by the Cuban Revolution continue to show their worth and increase welfare indicators.
The continued existence of the US blockade for more than 60 years, without political or legal basis, contravenes world opinion and in response, every day Cubans bet on the potential and development of economy and society, overcoming obstacles to preserve sovereignty.
In spite of the shortcomings caused by the limitations of the genocidal policy that the government of Donald Trump is intensifying today, in the province of Camagüey, as in all of Cuba, large resources are allocated for infants with special educational needs, the treatment of chronic diseases , or the continuity of studies of the new generations, who also stand against the inhuman sanctions of the White House.
Its obvious intentions of economically suffocating the Island and leading the population to a situation of extreme deprivation with the claim that it renounces his independence and self-determination, reverts to the firmness of the Cuban people that ratifies his attachment to the Revolution, and confirms his determination to maintain and perfect the conquests led since 1959 by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz. (Photos: Humberto Cid González)