Havana, Feb 12th. - Wearing gray uniforms, with their hands cuffed and escorted by security agents, this is how the first undocumented immigrants deported by the Donald Trump government arrived at the Guantanamo Naval Base last Tuesday. The White House wants to house some 30,000 immigrants there. “We will no longer allow the United States to be a dumping ground for illegal criminals from nations around the world,” they said.
In Camagüey, women have played a fundamental role in the development of livestock and agriculture. Over the years, they have proven to be pillars in food production and farm management.
Havana, Feb 6. - International meetings often bring surprises. At one of them, some time ago, I met an old classmate from Kiev University. Yes, I studied philosophy and lived in Soviet Ukraine for five years. My classmate was a diligent, intelligent student, and he easily learned Spanish from the Cubans. He was not a member of the CPSU, but the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the capitalist direction taken by its former republics led him to join one of the communist parties that emerged later. Since then he has been an active defender of the Cuban Revolution.
USA, February 5. - The ineffable Elon Musk has just given us interesting news by classifying the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) as an institution with criminal, illegal purposes. He accused it of being linked to intelligence operations, coups d'état and even the conception and spread of Covid-19.
They were resoundingly acclaimed 63 years ago and today the Cuban people maintain the inalienable and current condition of the principles upheld in the Second Declaration of Havana, heard by more than a million compatriots gathered on February 4, 1962 in the José Martí Revolution Square, in the voice of Commander in Chief Fidel Castro.
The prevention of drug consumption in Camagüey is a task that demands the active participation of the entire society, with special emphasis on the educational and community spheres.
US, Feb 1st. - This has been the week in which the Chinese have achieved incredible advances in artificial intelligence and the Americans in human stupidity. I’m sorry, but I look at the behavior of Donald Trump’s administration over the past week and the only word that accurately describes it is: stupid.
Guantanamo, Jan 31. - Of course, we are not talking here about the easternmost province of Cuba, but about the well-known Guantanamo naval base, imposed by force on a portion of Cuban territory of approximately 116 km2 of the bay of the same name.
In an act of brutality, the new United States (US) government has announced the imprisonment, at the Guantanamo Naval Base, located in illegally occupied Cuban territory, of thousands of migrants that it forcibly expels, and will place them next to the well-known prisons for torture and illegal detention.
USA, Jan 28. - The aspiration for a long life is decreasing in the United States, where the hope in this regard is lower than it was 20 years ago, and this has to do with everything from the dangerous way of carrying it out to the expensive and inefficient health care.
Illuminating light of discernment and ardent flame calling for the deep and definitive combat for the Homeland, is and will always be for Cubans José Martí, born on January 28, 1853 on Paula Street, today Leonor Pérez in memory of his mother, in the heart of Havana.
Since the dawn of 1959, the United States' interest in seeing Cuba disappear as a social and ideological project has been a perennial American dream.