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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Categoria Opinion

Minint, 62 years of distinguished service
Minint, 62 years of distinguished service

On June 6, 1961, by order of Commander in Chief Fidel Castro, the Ministry of the Interior (Minint) was created, headed by Commander Ramiro Valdés Menéndez, with which the young Revolution entered a decisive stage of improvement. security and internal order.

Luis Casas, from May forever
Luis Casas, from May forever

By Dania Díaz Socarrás/ Radio Cadena Agramonte. May always has its charms, charms of fertility and births of mothers who are mothers thanks to the fact that children once arrived, of people who create, of people who emerge, of people who arrive as they arrived 141 years ago today, the one who later caused the origin of radio in Cuba: Luis Casas Romero.

El Mayor: alive and guiding his cavalry
El Mayor: alive and guiding his cavalry

By Dania Díaz Socarrás/Radio Cadena Agramonte His plan that day was to be victorious, to liberate, to contribute to independence, that had always been his purpose and he knew that Cuba needed him, but plans fail or are made to fail by those who are upset with freedom.

Antonio Guiteras in his last fight
Antonio Guiteras in his last fight

On May 8, 1935 Antonio Guiteras Holmes fought his last fight, almost solitary and together with a fellow companion, Carlos Aponte: two revolutionaries who bravely faced more than a hundred army soldiers when they tried to leave the country for the old garrison of El Morrillo, Matanzas, near the mouth of the Canímar River.

Hands and hearts from Camagüey, for the Homeland
Hands and hearts from Camagüey, for the Homeland

A colorful group of young people from Camagüey opened the parade for the International Workers' Day in the city of Camagüey and the unmistakable faces of the future and the present were followed by many others with the joy of belonging to a Homeland that always grows and is surpassed by the quality of its people.

Crafts and Other Gifts for Mom
Crafts and Other Gifts for Mom

The offers of footwear, jewelry, saddlery and textiles are, without a doubt, some of the most demanded of the National Fair of Crafts and Gifts Art for Mom.

Playa Girón, victory of the people in Revolution (+ Audio)
Playa Girón, victory of the people in Revolution (+ Audio)

We have arrived at a new anniversary of the victory at Playa Girón, the first great military defeat of imperialism in America, today in the midst of another great triumph of socialism in Cuba, with the constitution of the renewed National Assembly of People's Power for the development of the X Legislature.

Days of Girón or chronology of victory
Days of Girón or chronology of victory

By Jorge Wejebe Cobo/ACN. Operation Pluto for the mercenary invasion by the Bay of Pigs on April 17, 1961 contemplated for its internal support previous terrorist actions throughout the country, for which some 75 tons of explosives and 46.5 tons of explosives were infiltrated by air and sea; other means destined for urban organizations and uprising gangs directed by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

Socialist Cuba in face of the world
Socialist Cuba in face of the world

Because its ideological assumptions fully corresponded with the safeguarding of freedom and sovereignty achieved, the justice and equity program that transformed the country and with the patriotic conscience of the majority of the people, the socialist course of the Cuban Revolution was proclaimed in a massive act carried out in Havana on April 16, 1961, the eve of the later defeated invasion of Playa Girón.

Guaimaro, the Constitution of unity and civility
Guaimaro, the Constitution of unity and civility

By Marta Gómez Ferrals/ ACN. On April 10, 1869, exactly six months after the start of the fight for independence, the first Constitution and the Republic in Arms were proclaimed in Guáimaro, in the central region of Camagüey, in a historic conclave that united the revolutionaries of the East and Center of the country in an admirable civic effort, inspired by the loyalty of great heroes to the Homeland.

Vilma Espín in days of work and combat
Vilma Espín in days of work and combat

When it seems that the usual homage is going to be repeated, each time it is different, marked by the vigor of the present. And more so in these days when the birth of the extraordinary combatant of the Sierra and the Llano Vilma Espín Guillois, came into the world on April 7, 1930, in the city of Santiago de Cuba, in the midst of important events and celebrations. of childhood and youth.

What legal-criminal treatment does the illegal occupation of real estate have in Cuba?
What legal-criminal treatment does the illegal occupation of real estate have in Cuba?

By Ileana Julia Gómez Guerra/Granma. The Constitution of the Republic of Cuba, in its Article 49, recognizes among the rights of people the protection of the home, by establishing the prohibition of the entry of a foreign person without the authorization of the person who inhabits it, unless said entry is made by express order of the competent authority and with the formalities established by law.