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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Categoria Opinion

The United States and human rights, who will be held accountable?
The United States and human rights, who will be held accountable?

The United States promotes the accountability of others for human rights; however, a simple analysis of its recent history indicates it as a country with chronic illnesses and among the main violators.

Finlay and the glow of Latin American Medicine Day
Finlay and the glow of Latin American Medicine Day

Among Cubans, December joyfully opens its doors with the celebration on its third day of Latin American Medicine Day, in honor of the birth of the outstanding scientist and compatriot Carlos J. Finlay on that date in 1833.

Fidel is still among the Cuban people (+ Audio)
Fidel is still among the Cuban people (+ Audio)

Today marks seven years since Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz entered immortality, but with the certainty that he is still with us in each of the actions undertaken to give continuity to the Moncada Program, tempered with the present.

Fidel's thoughts at the IV Conference The Nation and Emigration
Fidel's thoughts at the IV Conference The Nation and Emigration

The celebration of the IV Conference The Nation and Emigration, in the capital, maintains that Cuba does not ignore, in any way, its children who, for various reasons, reside abroad, respect and defend the soil where they were born .

Santa Cruz del Sur before and after the cyclone of '32
Santa Cruz del Sur before and after the cyclone of '32

The tragedy of November 9, 1932, a meteorological phenomenon that left 3,033 victims, remains in the memory of the inhabitants of the town of Santa Cruz del Sur.

Nationalization of United States companies in response to the blockade against Cuba
Nationalization of United States companies in response to the blockade against Cuba

On October 24, 1960, Fidel Castro, in his capacity as Prime Minister, signed Law 851 for the Defense of the National Economy, Resolution No. 3, for the nationalization of 166 American companies and firms, in response to the first actions of the economic, commercial and financial blockade of the US against Cuba, which included the reduction of the sugar quota.

The National Anthem of Cuba and its link with the people of Camagüey
The National Anthem of Cuba and its link with the people of Camagüey

By Ricardo Muñoz Gutiérrez/Contributor The origin of our National Anthem dates back to 1867, when the Bayamese lawyer Pedro Figueredo Cisneros, Perucho, composed the music and his countryman Manuel Muñoz Cedeño performed the instrumentation. The patriots called it La Bayamesa, to evoke La Marseillaise, a song composed by the French revolutionaries in 1792.

A single Revolution to multiply, a Revolution to understand
A single Revolution to multiply, a Revolution to understand

These days there is a label on the networks that returns us to fundamental essences that connect us with that past that sometimes seems distant and returns us with more certainty to the present: # UnaSolaRevolución .

Heroic independence deeds in Santa Cruz del Sur (+ Photos)
Heroic independence deeds in Santa Cruz del Sur (+ Photos)

The attack began at six in the morning on September 28, 1873, when the first rays of the sun appeared on the horizon. More than 600 infantry and cavalry men under the orders of Major General Máximo Gómez Báez attacked the coastal town of Santa Cruz del Sur.

Cuba and the need to be silent
Cuba and the need to be silent

Camagüey, Sep 12.- This country loves police stories, enjoyed by all population groups, by all that diversity of people who admire the courage of the agents and who understand our need to defend ourselves.

Natural wealth north of Camagüey
Natural wealth north of Camagüey

Images that speak for themselves of the natural beauties of Cuba reveal the look around Cuba of the Naturaleza Secreta team, whose recent expedition through the north of Camagüey, and the resulting photographs, dazzle for the riches contained in them.

Passion and respect for marine biodiversity (+ Photos and Video)
Passion and respect for marine biodiversity (+ Photos and Video)

The sea offers us attractive ways to admire its biodiversity, and while for some the sound of the waves is music to the ears and spiritual relaxation, others prefer to immerse themselves in this fascinating world, even defying the risks posed by being close to bull sharks.