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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Camagüey, Cuba

Teaching: a profession of love

On December 22, the Educator's Day is celebrated in Cuba because on the same date in 1961 after the end of the Literacy Campaign and the country was proclaimed Territory Free of Illiteracy.

In the speech delivered by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz at the rally held at the José Martí Revolution Square, that memorable day pointed out.

"We have won a great battle, and we must call it that: battle, because the victory against illiteracy in our country has been achieved through a great battle, with all the rules of a great battle. A battle begun by teachers, continued by popular educators, and that gained extraordinary and decisive momentum when youths, integrated into the literacy army Conrado Benítez, joined that fight. "

58 years after the event, in the province of Camagüey, the vocational training system aimed at specialties and pedagogical careers is strengthened, given the importance of ensuring greater teacher coverage in schools.

There are themed groups in primary schools intended for fifth and sixth graders, as well as in middle schools with students from seventh to ninth grades, aimed at attracting future teachers, in the effort to keep the teaching tradition.

Also in the territory the scientific activity of the José Martí University of Pedagogical Sciences and the teaching group of the Nicolás Guillén Batista Pedagogical School are distinguished, institutions where future professionals are trained to gradually improve the educational coverage in the different educational levels.

This December 22, schools are filled with kisses and hugs for those men and women who teach reading and writing, and discover that world of knowledge, which will lead us along the right paths of life. (Text: Maykel Torres la Rosa / Radio Cadena Agramonte) (Photos: Humberto Cid González)



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