The duty of a man is to be there, where he is needed! ... Thus wrote José Martí in a letter addressed to his mother Doña Leonor Pérez, on March 25, 1895.
April 4 arrives and with it the OPJM and the UJC reach another anniversary, for which Cuban children of Cuba in atypical ways, because social isolation is imposed to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
There are multiple sanitary measures that are implemented in Camagüey, as in the rest of Cuba, to prevent the spread Covid-19, a dangerous global pandemic that currently spreads to more than 100 countries.
There are multiple sanitary measures that are implemented in Camagüey, as in the rest of Cuba, to prevent the spread of the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, the cause of Covid-19, a dangerous global pandemic that currently spreads to more than 100 countries.
During these days, the Cuban Press Conference is taking place in the province of Camagüey, a space in which each base delegation of the Union of Journalists of Cuba (Upec) stars in debates to create attractive content that allows multiplying the truth of the Revolution in the world.
Camagüey, known as the City of the Tinajones, maintains a permanent charm in which its 506 years flourish every day; the magic of its cobbled streets and its capricious medieval layout make it unique among the villas founded by the Spaniards in Cuba.
February 14 is a special date that unites couples, friends and families to praise the greatest of feelings: love.
Shows, fairs, presentations of artistic groups, exhibitions, historiography events, symposia and activities for all age groups fill these days squares, galleries, theaters and public spaces in Camagüey, to celebrate the 506 anniversary of the once village of Santa María del Puerto del Principe.
This January 28, 167 years after José Martí's birthday, his imprint lives in each work of social benefit done by the Cuban Revolution, and is reborn in the smile of the thousands of children who inhabit this Island.
The Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB) in Camagüey takes advantage of the potential offered by molecular biology and genetic engineering for the production of unique drugs of its kind in the world.
During these days, the people of Camagüey, habitual followers of their Baseball team, live days of fervent enthusiasm, sports passion and joy; growing more and more, because the performance of the Bulls has been flawless in this 59th National Baseball Series, being the first to classify for the grand finale.
In January 1959 a troop of young bearded men toured Cuba from the East to the West. Led by Fidel Castro, the Caravan of Freedom was the prelude to the new times that the country would live thereafter.