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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Categoria Photo-stories

Cuban culture, a mix of everything
Cuban culture, a mix of everything

Built in more than five centuries, with the native, Spanish, African, Asian or European contribution, Cuban culture is the sum and synthesis of multi-ethnic legacies that make it a very special composition.

When unjustice trembles
When unjustice trembles

The 73 victims of the terrorist attack committed on October 6, 1976 against a Cubana de Aviación plane off the coast of Barbados - whose perpetrators were never prosecuted for the crime - will be remembered, perpetually, by current and future generations.

Cuban boxers prepare for Tokyo 2021 in Camagüey
Cuban boxers prepare for Tokyo 2021 in Camagüey

Camagüey welcomes athletes from the Olympic Boxing preselection, who are preparing first for the Playa Girón Tournament, from which the national team that will represent the country in the Tokyo 2021 Olympics will derive.

Rails that tell stories
Rails that tell stories

???????Museums are the guardians of history; past and present come together in a place eager for visitors with a thirst for knowledge. The Railway Museum project, sponsored by the Office of the Historian of the City of Camaguey, focuses on the rescue and renovation of a site of high patrimonial value, located in the historic center of the city.

Camagüey: host of the Cuban Athletics team for Tokyo 2021
Camagüey: host of the Cuban Athletics team for Tokyo 2021

On July 24, Tokyo, Japan, must be abuzz. But Covid-19, which has paused so many projects, prevented it. On March 24, what was imminent was confirmed: the postponement of the 2020 Olympic Games for next year. Something unusual, because until then, only the two World Wars had caused the suspension of the appointment under the five rings.

Schools reopen in Camaguey
Schools reopen in Camaguey

As usual in September, the streets of Camagüey were filled with students; this year, they wear masks against COVID-19, but they remain excited, hand in hand with parents, or with friends, to face courageously to the months so complicated that will mark the end of the 2019-2020 school year.

Federation of Cuban Women, solid and invincible organization at the service of the Revolution
Federation of Cuban Women, solid and invincible organization at the service of the Revolution

This August 23, when another anniversary of the Federation of Cuban Women (FMC) is celebrated, there is no greater rejoicing than the recognition of the women for their work, especially in these times of pandemic.

Fidel lives in every achievement
Fidel lives in every achievement

Cuba after 1959 underwent a radical change in every way. The allegation History will absolve me, by Fidel Castro, became a political and social program of the Revolution, and which was pronounced in the form of self-defense before the courts of dictator Batista after the assault on the Moncada on July 26, 1953, has materialized in the achievements of health, sports, education, and others.

Local farewell to Eusebio Leal
Local farewell to Eusebio Leal

With real mourning for the death of Eusebio Leal Spengler, on July 31, citizens of Camagüey go to the Santa Cecilia Convention Center to pay tribute in public offering to the prominent historian of Havana.

Architectural Treasures of Camaguey
Architectural Treasures of Camaguey

The city of Camagüey, also known as Villa Andariega, for the three geographic sites in which it settled since its foundation in Punta El Guincho, Nuevitas, on February 2, 1514, has in the segment between the current Plaza de los Trabajos and of Solidarity, an architectural, cultural and historical treasure.

The Moncada in current times.
The Moncada in current times.

The Apostle could not die on that July 26, 1953. These days, we rethink the heroism and total dedication of that courageous handful of new mambises led by the Young Fidel Castro Ruz, who identified as the Centennial Generation, assaulted the Moncada and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes Barracks in the eastern provinces of Santiago de Cuba and Granma respectively.

Summer for life in Camagüey
Summer for life in Camagüey

“Summer has come, beautiful lush (…)”, this is how the beginning of the summer period describes a poem from the children's book La Alondra, by Dora Alonso, alluding to these months of the year where friends and family gather to enjoy the beaches, rivers, parks, and other attractions of nature and the city.