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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Barbados , crime , attacking , terrorism , injustice

When unjustice trembles

The 73 victims of the terrorist attack committed on October 6, 1976 against a Cubana de Aviación plane off the coast of Barbados - whose perpetrators were never prosecuted for the crime - will be remembered, perpetually, by current and future generations.

The 24 members of the island's sports delegation returning from Venezuela, where they won all the gold medals at the IV Central American and Caribbean Fencing Championships, lost their lives in the sabotage.

The crime in Barbados, as the destruction in flight with bombs installed inside the CU-455 aircraft is known, is considered to date the worst attack of its kind in the Western Hemisphere and one of the most brutal acts of violence and terrorism carried out against the Cuban Revolution by people in the service of the CIA.

The attack was orchestrated in Caracas, Venezuela, by two terrorists of Cuban origin, Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch, who employed Venezuelans Hernán Ricardo and Freddy Lugo.

The leader of the Revolution, Fidel Castro, at the funeral of the victims, expressed: “We cannot say that pain is shared. The pain multiplies. Millions of Cubans cry today with the loved ones of the victims of this crime. And when a strong people cry, unjustice trembles!”. (Text and photos Lázaro David Najarro Pujol) 

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