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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Camagüey , Operation Tribute , solidarity , internationalism , humanism    

Camagüey recalls 31 years of Operation Tribute 

By Edel Blanco Duarte / Radio Cadena Agramonte

Even the pain endures, time cannot erase the wounds of a loved one. This December 7 marks the 31st anniversary of the return to the homeland of the mortal remains of those who, in the performance of their duty, lost their lives on the African continent.

Operation Tribute was the name given to the return home of the remains of the more than two thousand Cuban who fell in combat in sister nations to preserve their independence and end the South African racial segregation system, apartheid.

Today we Camagüey recall the date, in defense of solidarity, internationalism and humanism. (Photos: Luis Gómez López) 

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