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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Camagüey, Cuba

Camagüey renews its commitment to the Cuban Revolution

In January 1959 a troop of young bearded men toured Cuba from the East to the West. Led by Fidel Castro, the Caravan of Freedom was the prelude to the new times that the country would live thereafter.

61 years have passed and the Cuban Revolution is still standing, challenging the greatest Empire known to mankind.

And because #TenemosMemoria, every January 4 we return to the Plaza de la Libertad, where for the first time the Commander in Chief spoke before the people of Camagüey, on that afternoon full of emotions. Those of now, as young as those of that time, honor History and the legacy of those bearded rebels, and give continuity to a perfect, but fair, social project that is done with Marti´spirit: With everybody and for everybody´ sake. (RCA Web team.) (Photos: Courtesy of Leandro Pérez Pérez.)

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