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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Fidel Castro, Camaguey, Vocational Institute of Exact Sciences (IPVCE) Máximo Gómez Báez

Living in blue (+photos)

Ago 48 Septembers Fidel inaugurated the Vocational Institute of Exact Sciences (IPVCE), today Ciudad Escolar, Máximo Gómez Báez in Camagüey.

Not only generations of engineers, doctors, teachers, scientists, journalists, biologists have left their classrooms... families have come out. Much changes the walls of the Vocacional in terms of learning and affection.

IPVCE is dressed in blue, and with lots of dreams to fulfill. There life goes beyond books, independent studies and tests.

The daily rigor of the effort is recorded in the skin, the constancy of a whole day of classes and the nights of tasks in the classrooms that become, according to the desire of the group, a laboratory of physics, chemistry, mathematics or biology.

Another IPVCE stamp is the family: that of the boys carrying the buckets of water to the girls of the classroom, that of the games in the corridors, the one of the casino wheel in the dining room while waiting to enter, that of endless kisses for only two days of pass.

The Vocationals is 48 years old, its strong walls already taught the scars of so many courses receiving knowledge from teachers and students; but even so many medals do not obscure it, they do not take away the beauty of what it is, the blue house of many, from whom once there, we have never left at all. (Text: Carmen Luisa Hernández Loredo/Collaborator Radio Cadena Agramonte)(Photos: Humberto Cid González/Radio Cadena Agramonte)

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