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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Cuba, Second Declaration of Havana, José Martí Revolution Square, Fidel Castro

Second Declaration of Havana and its inalienable principles


They were resoundingly acclaimed 63 years ago and today the Cuban people maintain the inalienable and current condition of the principles upheld in the Second Declaration of Havana, heard by more than a million compatriots gathered on February 4, 1962 in the José Martí Revolution Square, in the voice of Commander in Chief Fidel Castro.

On that day, a battle flag that still flies in defense of the freedom and sovereignty of the Cuban nation, a united and supportive entity governed by ideals of peace, unity, development and social justice, was further established on the homeland.

Principles so strong that they have generated vile acts of terrorism, sabotage, mercenary attacks, crimes and other aggressions in which more than three thousand brothers have lost their lives.

And the decision to fight and continue defending the social project chosen by the majority is multiplied in the draconian hour in which the new tenant of the White House, in interventions since last January 20, reestablished unjust rulings against the Cuban people, ignoring the truth and justice and ignoring the clamor of the world.

Returning to that date in 1962, the Leader of the Revolution called for that patriotic act that became an impassioned popular mobilization, giving it the name of the National General Assembly with the objective of responding in the appropriate manner to the latest imperial aggressions and interferences against Cuba, within the Latin American scenario.

United in a bundle, those present unanimously approved, in plain sight, the document, which specified the unbreakable will of the people and the Revolutionary Government to build socialism, as decided after relevant events, and to defend the sovereignty of the country.

That time, a plot organized by the United States, carried out days before in Punta del Este, Uruguay, as part of the project for the VIII Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, convened by the Permanent Council of the OAS, was publicly refuted.

The enemies, experts in deception and the manipulation of truths, with their usual dishonesty managed to carry out at that event tricks aimed at promoting more economic and political sanctions against the young Revolution, which the United States feared, above all, because of the force of its example.

The Cuban nation had attended that conclave as a member of the Organization of American States (OAS), represented by the president, Osvaldo Dorticós; and Raúl Roa, later baptized as the Chancellor of Dignity by colleagues from the continent who admired his vertical and courageous defense of the Revolution in diplomatic forums and especially in the UN.

At that time, the White House was headed by President John F. Kennedy, who outlined the guidelines for a plot to distribute money from the public treasury of his nation as a reward for the vileness and treason of discredited rulers of some states in the area.

They used extortionist and unethical methods to enforce their interventionist and hegemonic order, in order to isolate the Island, condemn it, and lead it to an unsustainable economic and social situation, after the mercenary aggressions and those of the internal counterrevolutionary and terrorist gangs proved ineffective and caused great disasters for them.

The dark clouds and winds that would end up becoming very soon, from the beginning of April, the economic, financial and commercial blockade about to be born also in 1962, the mechanism of suffocation of the Cuban people still in force and mercilessly strengthened by Donald Trump, were already foreseen.

At that time they used, just as they do today, threats, conscience shopping and blackmail with the weakest and most dependent, typical acts from their record in the region and in the world, to isolate the largest of the Antilles in the diplomatic field.

They had the purpose of promoting the process of total closure of trade with Cuba and especially the expulsion of the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Defense (Tiar, for its acronym in Spanish), under the argument of the link of the Caribbean island with powers outside the geographical environment, and of political systems based on Marxism-Leninism, outlawed like the devil.

Tacitly, the strategy was underway, later fulfilled, to expel Cuba from the OAS, an organization where the imperial power has always decided what to do and say with the greatest impudence and disrespect for the dignity of the people.

Fidel Castro recognized that, although there were governments that resisted complying with imperial requests, Washington exerted pressure, as it well knows, through conspiracies and threats, and in the end four resolutions against Cuba were approved, out of the nine signed there.

The Second Declaration of Havana stands out as a free action, in a dignified and sovereign land, since those who conceived it replaced the act of cowardice and treason of some of the heads of government represented there.

The document invoked the National Hero José Martí when he wrote, in the letter to Manuel Mercado, considered his Political Testament, that he would continue fighting as he always did until the day of his death, to prevent, with the independence of his country, the United States from falling with that force over the peoples of America.

He denounced with crystal clarity the dangers of not only Cuba but the Great Homeland continuing to depend on the designs of the empire of the north. The true enemy of the area's territories is once again pointed out, only interested in looting them and stripping them of their wealth.

And the Cuban document also criticized the systematic interference of the US government in the internal politics of the countries of Our America, something proven by history and that continues and continues today.

The glorious day of February 4 continued to strongly mark the path initiated by the brave and vertical revolutionary diplomacy, in which not only the Cuban Head of State but also his Minister of Dignity, Raúl Roa García, was so distinguished.

It is the inalienable path, as we already said, attached to the truth, the rights and the history of a heroic people that yearns to build the beautiful project of social justice, peace, solidarity and also progress, which their founding fathers conceived. (Text and photo: ACN)

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