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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Cuba, Ethiopia, blockade, United States, solidarity

Annual meeting between Cuba and Ethiopia condemns US blockade (+ Photos)

Addis Ababa, September 20.- The situation in Cuba, the tightening of the blockade imposed by the United States government and solidarity occupied the annual meeting between the Caribbean embassy and the associations of Ethiopians formed in Havana.

The Cuban ambassador here, Jorge Lefebre, offered updated information on the recently held Summit of the Group of 77 and China on the island, in which a high-level delegation from Addis Ababa led by Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen participated.

Lefebre highlighted Mekonnen's meeting with the Cuban president, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, and the future intentions to strengthen bilateral relations between both peoples to whom they are united by history and blood.

He specified that, like Cuba, the African country suffers the effects of the economic sanctions and unilateral measures rejected by the head of Ethiopian diplomacy at the Havana summit, hence the importance of solidarity and the historic support of Ethiopia in international forums in favor of lifting the blockade against the Caribbean nation.

The Cuban diplomat urged the representatives of the 28 associations of Ethiopian Cubans to send a delegation to the seventh African Continental Meeting of Solidarity with Cuba scheduled for October 25 to 27 in Johannesburg, South Africa.

On the other hand, Feisse Legese, a graduate in Stomatology, was grateful for the opportunity to visit the provinces of Havana, Matanzas, Santiago de Cuba and the special municipality of Isla de la Juventud last month, in coordination with the Instituto Cubano de Amistad con los Pueblos (Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peolples).

Legese commented that he was able to talk with his teachers, make a donation and supplies to the Santiago Provincial Teaching Stomatology Clinic and attend the commemorative event for the 97th birthday of the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz, at the Santa Ifigenia cemetery.

She regretted the current situation in the country due to the tightening of the US blockade, which she experienced firsthand.

I owe Cuba, was the expression of the neonatologist Mulealem Gissese, who received the annual award in the science sector in recognition of human services in Ethiopia.

Gissese assured that she owes her professional training and improvement as a person to the Cuban government and people who gave her the opportunity to be a professional, hence, upon receiving this important recognition, she said that she is from Cuba too. (Text and photos: PL)

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