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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Cuba, Ministry of Tourism, National Recognition “Free of Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer”

Tourism entities that protect the Ozone Layer recognized

Varadero, Matanzas, September 20.- Entities of the Ministry of Tourism (Mintur) in the province of Matanzas, mostly from the Cubanacán, Gran Caribe and Islazul hotel chains, received the National Recognition Free of Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (SAO).

Among the 12 worthy of the recognition granted by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (Citma) include prestigious facilities such as Meliá Varadero Internacional, Muthu Playa Varadero, Royalton Hicacos, Meliá Las Américas and Club Tropical.

Likewise, this Tuesday, 29 facilities obtained the Voluntary Declaration for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, granted by the territorial delegation of CITMA, which honors the commitment to eliminate ODS as an expression of strengthening environmental awareness.

Nastia Valdés, delegate of the Ministry of Tourism (Mintur) in the province of Matanzas, explained that in April of this year it was agreed to incorporate the territory's tourism sector into the Voluntary Declaration program for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and the recognition Free of Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.

Hotel and non-hotel entities were directed to submit the relevant documentation regarding the gases used in refrigeration and air conditioning equipment, to support the execution of the Montreal Protocol, and the results exhibited today commit us to maintaining the work for the protection and conservation of the environment, she expressed.

Nelvis Gómez, Deputy Environment Delegate of Citma in the territory, praised Mintur's support in the responsibility of protecting the Ozone Layer, recognized those honored as protagonists in that noble cause and urged them to maintain the work in light of that commitment.

At https://www.cubaenergia.cu it is explained that September 16 is celebrated as the International Day for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, a date selected by the United Nations General Assembly in 1994, in commemoration of the day on which signed the Montreal Protocol on the elimination of Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.

The digital site of the Center for Information Management and Energy Development argues that Cuba is a signatory of the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and the Montreal Protocol, related to the control and gradual elimination of production and consumption of industrial chemicals, harmful to the environment. (Text and photo: ACN)

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