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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Cuba, Díaz-Canel, Summit, Palenque, Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador

Díaz-Canel heads Cuban delegation Palenque Summit in Mexico (+Photos)

Mexico City, October 22.- The president of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, heads the delegation to the Summit for a fraternal neighborhood and with well-being today in Palenque, convened by the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

The delegation also includes Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez, his Vice Minister Carlos Fernández, Ambassador Marcos Rodríguez, and other officials.

The meeting is also attended by dignitaries from Colombia, Gustavo Petro, Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, Honduras, Xiomara Castro, and Haiti, Ariel Henry with his foreign ministers, and the other countries, Belize, Ecuador, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica and Panama by vice presidents and foreign ministers.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported the arrival last night of the Foreign Minister of Panama, Janaina Tewaney; the vice president of El Salvador, Félix Ulloa; of the vice prime minister of Belize, Cordel Hyde, and the second vice president of Costa Rica, Mary Munive.

López Obrador, who has been in Palenque since yesterday where he has a country house, told journalists that he feels optimistic about the meeting on migration because it is complete, with high-level representation from the 11 invited nations, and things are going to turn out very well.

He recalled that he called the Palenque meeting due to the humanitarian crisis that the migration phenomenon has become to analyze proposals and find solutions, together with the nations of the region that have been impacted by migration.

That the causes of migration be addressed, that is the basis of everything, that people be cared for in their places of origin because migration is not for pleasure, it is out of necessity.

The head of the Executive asserted that, after the meeting in the archaeological zone of Palenque, the invited leaders and the foreign ministers will speak with the media to give their positions regarding the phenomenon. “Everyone coming out is going to talk to you,” he told reporters.

The call was made on the 9th by the host president in a morning press conference, given an increase in the migratory flow and the few possibilities that are observed for a solution to the crisis due to the economic situation of the sending countries to stimulate their citizens. to remain in their countries of origin.

Given the little or insufficient willingness of the United States to help solve the problem with strong investments in the region and elimination of blockades and sanctions that cause an increase in the flow, López Obrador called the meeting to seek collaboration that would allow them to jointly face the problem. problem.

It is about gathering ideas and shaping an economic and social collaboration plan aimed at eliminating spontaneous, dangerous and uncontrolled migration, through socioeconomic and welfare programs that retain potential migrants in their homelands. (Text and photos: PL)

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