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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Camagüey, Co-Lab, digital innovation, laboratory, Union of Computer Scientists of Cuba, smart city, technologies, international cooperation

Digital innovation laboratory in Camagüey for computerization of society

Camagüey, February 12.- The local development project Digital Innovation Laboratory (Co-Lab) Camagüey stars in several actions aimed at achieving a smart city, impacting the management and conservation of the city, and taking advantage of technologies for knowledge of the city. history in the country.

Reynaldo Alonso Reyes, president of the Camagüey branch of the Union of Computer Scientists of Cuba (UIC), highlighted that they are immersed in projects with actors in the digital ecosystem and an open value chain to provide training to companies, organizations, public administration and private, while some ideas wait for foreign financing.

He shared, for example, the request of Co-Lab and the UIC in Camagüey to the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation in order to work on ideas to build an experimental laboratory for holographic techniques, one of the greatest aspirations in the field of innovation.

He explained that the Moropo Mipyme, within the ecosystem, also seeks to expand the public good signaling network, while it is immersed in two Sustainable Tourism projects. “One on the digital transformation of meteorological and climatological services and another on communication management in the tourism sector through digital signage,” added Alonso Reyes.

Coupled with that, he assured, work continues to convert the thematic walk of the cinemas into a smart street, now with a mural in front of the Nuevo Mundo audiovisual complex in which they are working on a prototype solution to make it interactive.

At the same time, ties are strengthened with the Florida Administration Council and its Municipal Assembly for the digital transformation of the Museum of that territory and actions continue in the Comandante Camilo Cienfuegos Historical Complex and the Office of the Historian of the City of Havana in conjunction with the University of Camagüey.

All projects aim to make the commercial activity of the members visible through the animation and promotion of each of the objectives they pursue with the development of digital prototypes.

The president of the UIC in Camagüey added that they continue with the open value chain of co-creation in terms of innovation at the headquarters of the Camagüey subsidiary, with the purpose of guiding and accompanying the different processes that advocate for the computerization of society in an open, inclusive and participatory manner.

Addressing gender issues, the empowerment of women and solutions for people in vulnerable situations with an emphasis on the blind and deaf are some of the issues that continue to be linked to the development of industry 4.0, precision agriculture, holograms, augmented reality and other issues led by different actors in the innovation ecosystem. (Text and photo: Gladys Dailyn Morera Cordero/Radio Cadena Agramonte)

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