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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Cuba, Ordinary Period of Sessions of the National Assembly of People's Power (ANPP), X Legislature, meetings, Permanent Working Committees, legislative body

Work Commissions of the Cuban Parliament meet from today (+ Video)

Havana, Dec. 16. - As a prelude to the IV Ordinary Period of Sessions of the National Assembly of People's Power (ANPP, by its acronym in Spanish) in its X Legislature, meetings of the Permanent Working Commissions of the highest legislative body of the country will take place today and tomorrow.

The meetings will take place at the Havana Convention Palace and the participating deputies are called to address the most important issues on the national agenda.

Homero Acosta Álvarez, secretary of the ANPP and the Council of State, recently stated on the television program Mesa Redonda that the meeting will focus on the main problems affecting the population and the actions that the legislative body is taking to contribute to their solution.

Acosta Álvarez said that the process of accountability of the delegate to his constituents was carried out throughout the country in the months of October and November, with results that he described as satisfactory.

He pointed out that it took place in the midst of a complex economic situation, also marked by the intensification of the blockade and by the tensions of recent months in which there have been difficulties with the National Electric System and damage from natural phenomena.

He insisted that despite the complex panorama, this exercise of democracy ratified the confidence of Cubans in their political and social system. (Text and photo: ACN)

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