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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Camagüey, Journalists, UPEC, peasants,

Camagüey journalists: from the newsrooms to the farm (+ Photos)

Camagüey, May 24 - Members of the different press media in Camagüey participated in a day dedicated to food production as part of the activities to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Union of Journalists of Cuba (UPEC) and the 65th anniversary of the First Peasant Congress in Arms.

The initiative contributed to the planting of almost one hectare on "La Victoria" farm, belonging to the Niceto Pérez Cooperative in the municipality of Vertientes.

On this occasion, Yurislenia Pardo, president of UPEC in the province, presented on behalf of the journalists' union a ceramic work that reflects the culture and traditions of the local peasantry, and expressed her gratitude for the working relationship between the two organizations.

Young Alejandro García, a member of the UPEC grassroots delegation at the Office of the Historian of the City of Camagüey, expressed his satisfaction at contributing to the work in the field, an experience he wishes to multiply for its spiritual and social value.

Jorge Félix Santos, farmer and outstanding cattle producer at "La Victoria" farm, thanked the representatives of the press for their contribution and valued this action as a great example of the commitment of the professionals of the press to the economic activity of the territory.

The Union of Cuban Journalists in the province of Camagüey is deploying a broad program of initiatives to celebrate its 11th Congress, scheduled for July 14 and 15.(Text: María del Carmen CastañedaVarona/Radio Cadena Agramonte) (Photos: By the author and MiozotisFabeloPinares/Radio Rebelde)

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