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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Camagüey, production, food, education, schools, orchards

Educational sector in Camagüey supports food production

Camagüey, Sep 19.- With a contribution of more than 230,400 pesos, the educational sector in Camagüey reported savings to the State budget from the use of 537 hectares of land destined for the production of food for the different educational establishments and other social institutions of the territory.

Such a contribution was achieved in the first semester of this year, during the students' stay in schools, an initiative that is resumed in the current 2023-2024 school year.

Mario Rico Montejo, head of the Group of Labor and Productive Activities of the General Directorate of Education, commented to the Cuban News Agency that of that total, 58.5 percent of lands are assigned by the Provincial Delegation of Agriculture and are located in 82 schools.

Among the main productive lines, he highlighted grains, vegetables, root vegetables, milk, meat, condiments, fruits, fish, eggs and animal feed, which is why he stated that Camagüey meets one of the objectives prioritized by the Ministry. of Education, with recognition at the country level.

Although most of the harvests, he said, benefit students and school workers, Family Care Systems, hospitals, as well as maternal and nursing homes also receive an important contribution.

In addition to responding to a national strategy, the promotion of food production allows students to develop job training activities in orchards, plots, farms and through the permaculture modality, said Rico Montejo.

In this regard, he mentioned the municipalities of Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, Najasa, Minas, Santa Cruz del Sur and Guáimaro among the most outstanding, and in particular praised the results of the Mártires de Pino III Agricultural Polytechnic Institute (IPA), of Jimaguayú, for its achievements in the production of milk, eggs, meat and cheese.

On the other hand, he explained that in the province there are also 32 Martí forests and 679 Martí gardens, where around 19 species of plants conceived by the Apostle in his campaign diary are preserved. (Text: ACN)(Photo: Archive/IPA Mártires de Pino III)

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