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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Camagüey, Cuba, I Forum of Rectors, Belarus, Alicia Rodríguez Gregorich, University of Camagüey, Iryna Kiturka, University of Grodno

Universities of Camagüey and Belarus begin the path of cooperation

Camagüey, September 20.- Within the framework of the I Forum of Rectors between universities of Cuba and Belarus, Dr. C. Alicia Rodríguez Gregorich, Vice Chancellor of the University of Camagüey (UC) held a working meeting this Tuesday with Dr. C. Iryna Kiturka, Rector of Grodno University, Yanka Kupala State Regional University.

“In the exchange we agreed to establish cooperative relations and as a first step develop a virtual meeting between the management of our centers, to address common issues and develop joint research projects in the areas of Physical Culture and Sports and the updating of graduated Cuban teachers. of the Russian Language,” Rodríguez Gregorich explained online.

“Social studies will also be promoted jointly on the societies of both nations in environments of economic crisis; as well as the possibilities of promoting student mobility by semesters and in summer courses, he added.

During this second day of work, the Delegation of the Ministry of Higher Education of Cuba (MES in Spanish), headed by the Vice Minister of the MES, Dr. C. Reynaldo Velázquez Zaldívar, who is attending the Forum, visited the State University of Belarus in the morning.

As explained by the Vice-Rector of the UC, the leadership of this European institution showed collaboration interests related to the improvement of science teaching, double degrees in Journalism and Communication and in the area of ??Applied Computing.

In the dialogue, the Vice Rector of the State University of Belarus, Konstantin Kazadiev, spoke in favor of developing meetings with deans of Cuban faculties and carrying out cooperation actions. (Alexei Nápoles González/ University of Camagüey) (Photo: Courtesy of Alicia Rodríguez Gregorich)

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