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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Colombia, Peace Dialogue Table, conversations, social inequality, armed confrontation

New talks will seek peace in Colombia

Bogotá, Sep 20.- Peace talks and a ceasefire between the government of Colombia and the Central General Staff of the FARC will begin on October 8, the two parties announced.

It was agreed to install the Peace Dialogue Table on October 8 in Tibú. The purpose of this peacebuilding process is to dignify the way of life of Colombian men and women who are direct victims of social inequality and armed confrontation, they emphasize in a joint statement.

They point out that this agreement, its protocols and mechanisms, once approved, specify the operation of the Peace Dialogue Table and will have as a frame of reference respect for International Humanitarian Law and in particular the additional protocol to the Geneva Conventions of 1949.

The objective is to preserve the life, rights and freedoms of the civilian population, in general, and to avoid humanitarian impact, in particular, on ethnic, territorial communities and peoples, peasants and other groups with special protection, they point out.

The rules and commitments agreed upon by the parties will guarantee the preservation and care of nature in its diversity, they add in the text.

The purpose of this peacebuilding process is to dignify the way of life of Colombian men and women who are direct victims of social inequality and armed confrontation, they emphasize.

They explain that this is a process that should generate spaces for real and effective participation of the different expressions of society.

In the installation session of the Peace Dialogue Table, the Ceasefire will be decreed, the Agreement on Respect for the Civilian Population and the Implementation of the National and Territorial Temporary Bilateral Ceasefire will be approved.

Also the protocols that will govern the operation of the Oversight, Monitoring and Verification Mechanism, the pre-agenda, the participatory plan and the schedule of activities.

This new step to put an end to one of the several armed conflicts that plague Colombia is linked to the Total Peace policy of Gustavo Petro's government. (Text and photo: PL)

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