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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Camagüey, XV National Verification of Internal Control, Gladys Bejerano Portela, National Office of Labor Inspection, Territorial Office of Standardization

Comptroller General evaluates internal control actions in Camagüey

Camagüey, Sep 24.- About the march in Camagüey of the XV National Verification of Internal Control, which began on September 18 and will last until October 30, Gladys Bejerano Portela, Comptroller General of the Republic of Cuba, learned. by exchanging with auditors and experts from the National Labor Inspection Office and the Territorial Standardization Office.

During the meeting, chaired by the authorities of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) and the Government in the province, they appreciated the development of the process that in the demarcation includes 14 audits of entities subordinate to the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources, business groups of Construction Materials and the Agricultural-Food Industry, in addition to those linked to the export of tobacco, an economic line of vital importance for the country.

She took seized the occasion to recognize the support of the students of the short cycle course in Auditing and the Bachelor's Degree in Accounting at the University of Camagüey Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz who carry out their work practices in this exercise, which, he said, aims to evaluate the strengthening of the Socialist State Enterprise, administrative management and the efficient use of resources, with emphasis on productive chains between the different actors in the economy.

With this purpose, he called to improve the audit work and review internal control from the processes that are verified under the premise of Commander Ernesto Che Guevara that "Without control we cannot build Socialism."

Bejerano Portela also highlighted the role of group leaders and supervisors in the organization and development of actions to achieve the planned objectives, while reflecting on the help that can be provided to the administrations of the Camagüey territory in activities fundamentals such as food production, national industry, territorial development and exports.

This process, she assured, will contribute to the exercise of research that can contribute to the deepening of knowledge of the established legal norms, the exchange of the best experiences and therefore to the improvement of administrative management.

Throughout the country, 200 control actions will be carried out to evaluate, among other issues, economic contracting processes, compliance with approved regulations for fuel control, the status of accounts receivable and payable, the control and use of inventories, as well as state means of transportation, the transportation operation license, road safety and waybill. (Text and photo: ACN)

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