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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

United States, political organizations, solidarity, terrorist attack, embassy, Cuba

Let Cuba be, the United States repudiates the terrorist attack on the embassy (+ Photos)

Washington, Sep 26.- Let Cuba be was the common cry of representatives of political, pacifist and solidarity organizations that repudiated the terrorist attack against the island's embassy in the United States.

Despite the rain that persisted in being part of this day of condemnation of this new incident, the second in the last three years, about a hundred friends gathered in front of the diplomatic representation on central 16th Street, which goes directly to the White House, to reiterate that they were and would always be with Cuba.

One of the speakers was activist and political leader Gloria La Riva, who recalled that the United States Government has practiced systematic terrorism against the Antillean nation since the beginning of the Cuban Revolution. She said that throughout these years Cuba has suffered mercenary invasions, bombs on airplanes, biological warfare, and many other attacks on the Cuban people.

Of the 3,478 deaths due to terrorism against Cuba - she stressed - 73 had a terrifying death on flight 455, on October 6, 1976, when the Cuban civil plane that was transporting a team back to their homeland was detonated in the air

The participants in the event repeated slogans against the United States blockade and asked to eliminate the designation of Cuba as a sponsor of terrorism.

This is what Calla Walsh, co-president of the National Network of Solidarity with Cuba, told Prensa Latina, who pointed out that it is part of the neighborhood where the Antillean diplomatic legation is located.

The American people do not tolerate these acts of intimidation and violence against Cuba and demanded that the United States Government condemn this attack and investigate it as the terrorist act that it is.

For his part, Brian Becker also declared to this news agency that this is not an isolated incident because there have been more than 60 years of terrorist actions against the Cuban Government, its diplomatic compounds, against Cuban officials and the American people oppose that.

Meanwhile, Samira Addrey, a young African American graduate of the Latin American School of Medicine, who works with IFCO-Pastors for Peace, described this attack as unacceptable and requested that justice be done.

This is an example of what hate does instead of accepting love, Addrey stressed, insisting that when our friends are attacked very close to the White House (due to the location of the Cuban embassy) that does not make anyone feel good.  

The people of the United States are very against the policy of the blockade against the people of Cuba. All people have the right to determine their own destiny, she concluded.

The head of the Cuban Mission in the United States, Lianys Torres, wrote in her X account that the authorities were immediately notified here about last night's terrorist attack against our Embassy and that they were given access to the headquarters to take samples of Molotov cocktails.

Previously, the Cuban Foreign Minister reported what happened and recalled that it is the second violent attack against the diplomatic headquarters in Washington.

In April 2020, an individual fired an assault rifle at the island's legation in this capital, causing material damage to the property.

Anti-Cuban groups turn to terrorism because they feel impunity, something that Cuba has repeatedly warned US authorities about, the Foreign Minister warned.

Since what happened became known, there have been countless expressions of rejection both inside and outside the United States.

At least 581 acts of State terrorism have occurred against Cuban diplomatic representations since the triumph of the Revolution in January 1959, according to official data. (Text and photo: PL)

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