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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Camagüey, beekeeping, honey, beekeeping, queen bee, propolis, production

Camagüey beekeeping committed to increasing productive levels

Camagüey, Oct. 4.- Even though in the first half of 2023 honey production in this province was affected by adverse weather conditions, Camagüey beekeepers, distributed in 39 production bases, are working to reverse the delays before the end of this year.

Omelio Barba Alonso, director of the Beekeeping Base Business Unit (UEB) in the territory, explained that the fundamental causes were related to the intense drought of the first months of the year, while in June the floods suffered by the territory had a negative impact on coastal blooms.

He highlighted that, although other indicators such as queen bee production and propolis are met, productive yields are expected to increase in the months of October, November and December, as it is a stage in which Camagüey beekeeping obtains 50 percent of the honey produced in the year, from the flowering of the Indian vine and the white and purple bellflower.

Barba Alonso said that for this year the export potential of honey is 800 tons, of which about 705 must be reached, and emphasized the stability of production destined for social consumption and the biopharmaceutical industry, based on the allocation monthly approved by the Ministry of Economy and Planning.

For next year, the 243 Camagüey beekeepers intend to achieve higher yields and increase production levels with the consolidation of some 19 thousand hives, with the aspiration of reaching 900 tons of honey, a figure similar to that achieved in 2021. (Text: Gleibis Gómez Durva/Radio Cadena Agramonte) (Photo: Archive)

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