Mexico City, Oct 5 (Prensa Latina) Therejection of the US blockadeagainst Cuba resonatedtoday at the XXVII International Seminar, organizedbythe PT of Mexico, withthepresence of 400 representativesfrom 31 countries in LatinAmerica and othercontinents.
At theopeningceremony of theevent, delegateLudmila Álamo, vice head of theIdeologicalDepartment of theCommunistParty of Cuba, presentedthegreeting of saidorganization, whichtheattendeesreceivedwiththunderousapplause and choruses of Viva la Revolución Cubana, Viva Fidel, Abajo el Blockade, Cuba yes, Yankees no.
Álamo thankedthe Labor Party (PT in Spanish), sponsor of theseminar, fortheinvitation to animportantspacefor debate, analysis and exchange of ideas thatcontribute to theconstruction of unity in diversity in thefight "againstthecommonenemy, imperialism." US".
Shesaidthatsocialist Cuba isimmersed in thedefense of itsRevolution in theface of theresurgence of Yankeeimperialistaggressiveness, and issurethat, withtheunity of thepeople, itscreativeresistance and thesolidarity of thepeoples of theworld, itwillcontinue to fight and win, convinced of that a betterworldispossible and necessary.
Anothermoment of apotheosis in support of Cuba waswiththegreetingtransmittedbytherepresentative and director of theNational Center for Sexual Education, Mariela Castro Espín, whoevokedallthecompatriotwomenfortheirselflessness and sacrifice in thestrongpast and presentchallenges to thethatthe country faces.
Sheprovokedloudapplause and exclamations of solidaritywhen he mentionedtheundefeatedCommander in Chief Fidel Castro, whose ideas and principlescontinue to guidethe Cuban Revolution.
The XXVII International Seminar “Parties and a new society” beganitsworksessionstodaywithnearly 400 delegatesfrom 31 countries and dozens of parties and social organizationsfromAmerica, Europe and Asia, mainly.
There are dozens of speakersregistered to interveneonthebroadtopicdelivered in advance, as well as thedozens of papersthatwill be presented and discussedthroughoutthethreedays of sessions.(Text y Photo: PL)