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United States, Pan African Forum, Cuba, Haiti, Caribbean, annual meeting, National Solidarity Network (NNOC) with Cuba

Pan-African Forum, a solidarity network meeting with Cuba in the United States

Boston, Oct. 14.- With a Pan-African Forum that focused its attention on Cuba, Haiti and the Caribbean, the annual meeting of the National Solidarity Network (NNOC) with the Antillean nation in the United States began.

We have to do everything we can to defend our Cuban family, said activist Gail Walker, co-president of the NNOC, speaking on the panel of the event that started this afternoon until Sunday at the University of Massachusetts in Boston.

The executive director of the Interfaith Foundation for Community Organization (IFCO) highlighted the health internationalism of that Caribbean nation, to which she expressed her gratitude for the efforts it has made to train thousands of young people from 120 countries as doctors, but not just any doctor, doctors trained in Cuba.

The meeting was attended by officials from the Cuban Mission in the United States who referred to the island's contribution in Africa and also, as the young diplomat David Ramírez illustrated in his words, his country has had to grow in the midst of the challenge which means the strengthening of the blockade.

Ramírez, who thanked the solidarity of the American people in favor of the elimination of this unilateral siege that has lasted more than six decades, stressed the continuity in the current Democratic administration of the policies of Republican Donald Trump.

He pointed out the impact of these suffocation measures against Cuba on the emigration reported in the last three years.

Ramírez also mentioned the historic struggle of the Palestinian people against the Israeli occupation and also when referring to Haiti, he said that what that island needs are doctors, solidarity, not troops, not military intervention.

In statements to Prensa Latina, Cheryl LaBash, co-president of the NNOC, warned that if President Joe Biden listened to the voice of the American people he would lift the economic, commercial and financial blockade on Cuba.

This is demanded by more than a hundred resolutions approved throughout the country that represent more than 55 million people, LaBash emphasized when insisting that Americans reject "Biden's hunger strategy."

During this weekend, as the activist commented, they will develop their strategy to strengthen the movement within the United States until making the demand to remove Cuba from the list of sponsors of terrorism and eliminate the blockade irresistible.

Representatives of some 57 organizations that make up the NNOC arrived in Boston for the conference that hopes to incorporate another 10 new groups in these work sessions.

Boston, capital of Massachusetts, is the largest city in this state in the New England region. Founded in 1630, the city is classified as one of the oldest in the American Union. (Text and photo: PL)

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