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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Cuba, journalists, Palestine, selective assassinations, Israel, Zionist genocide

Selective murders of journalists in Palestine condemned in Cuba

Havana, Oct 27.- Cuban and Palestinian journalists here condemned Israel's selective murders against colleagues in that Arab nation and their families, and called for a common front to stop the Zionist genocide.

Gathered at the headquarters of the Union of Journalists of Cuba, the communication professionals repudiated the intention of the Jewish State, which they described as the armed wing of the United States in the Middle East, to conceal the truth of what is happening there through the death and information blockade.

In two weeks of aggression, 25 Palestinian journalists have been massacred along with family members, confirmed at the meeting the ambassador of that nation in Havana, Akram Samhan, who updated that today there are almost seven thousand fatalities from the indiscriminate bombings by Israeli aircraft against the civilian population in the Gaza Strip, and in the West Bank.

For their part, the correspondents of Prensa Latina and Cuban Television in Syria and Lebanon witnessed, in a video conference, the censorship imposed on the media that report, in the midst of great difficulties, on the serious humanitarian situation created by the Zionist aggression.

Cuban and Palestinian press professionals highlighted the responsibility of the United States in the genocide committed by Israel against the population of the Arab nation for more than seven decades, which they identified as the cause of the conflict.

They also repudiated the intention of the Western powers and the major media to criminalize the right of the Palestinian people to defense, and their aspiration to exist as an independent State, in the face of the invasion and colonization to which they are subjected by the Zionist State from Israel.

The Israeli government threatens to escalate its attacks with the land, sea and air incursion of its troops into the Gaza Strip, the most densely populated region on the planet, in line with its policy of usurpation of territories, while blocking the entry of humanitarian aid to the area.

The United States and its Western allies vetoed recent proposals from countries such as Russia and Brazil to seek a ceasefire and a negotiated solution to the crisis that could spread to other countries in the region. (Text and photo: PL)

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