Havana, Oct 27.- The members of the Council of State of the Republic of Cuba, in an ordinary session of this body headed by its president, Esteban Lazo Hernández, today approved two new decree laws and examined the implementation of regulatory provisions approved in the country.
The official site of the National Assembly of People's Power (Parliament) reported the approval this Thursday of the decree laws on the Security and Protection of Classified and Limited Information and on the Development, Application and Use of Cryptographic Protection Devices and Services in the Sphere of Cryptography in the Republic of Cuba.
The first regulatory provision establishes the rules to guarantee the security and protection of information and data, in any medium, that reflect the activity of the State or information issued by another legal or natural person, provided that it is legally recognized by the Cuban State, when its unauthorized disclosure or knowledge, alteration or non-availability, represents a risk, threat or damage.
The second decree law stipulates the organization of scientific and technical development, the application and use of cryptographic protection devices, the organization and operation of services in the sphere of cryptography, and the operation of the national work system to comprehensively ensure the quality of the aforementioned products and services, reported the speakers from the Ministry of the Interior.
Alejandro Gil Fernández, vice prime minister and head of Economy and Planning, offered a detailed explanation about the country's current economic situation, which served as a prelude to the analysis of the session's agenda item related to performance and impact on the economy. of the new economic actors: micro, small and medium-sized businesses, and non-agricultural cooperatives.
According to information from Parliament, the members of this body also evaluated the measures adopted as a result of the high inspection exercise of the Ministry of Construction.
René Mesa Villafaña, Minister of Construction, delved into the strategy outlined by this organization in response to the deficiencies and recommendations identified in this exercise, in addition to the current perspectives and challenges of this decisive branch.
The deputies insisted on the need to strengthen local production of materials and the quality of works, to use available resources more efficiently, to deploy innovation, while recognizing the selflessness of construction workers.
Oscar Silvera Martínez, Minister of Justice, together with the president of the Constitutional and Legal Affairs Commission of the Cuban Parliament, José Luis Toledo Santander, reported on compliance with the regulatory provisions related to the organization and operation of public registries.
The Council of State also evaluated the progress of the implementation of the law on the Rights of the Author and the Performer, the State Plan to confront climate change, known as Task Life, and the law on Criminal Procedure.
Several presidents of permanent work commissions of the National Assembly of People's Power linked to the topics addressed participated in the meeting. (ACN) (Photo: Cuban Parliament)