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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Cuba, Music, Nazi-fascist, Maxim Rock Cultural Center, cultural colonization

Cuban Institute of Music pronounces on incident at Maxim Rock Cultural Center

Havana, October 29.- On the night of Saturday, October 28, a Halloween party was held at the Maxim Rock Cultural Center in the Cuban capital, which included a costume ball where the costume of a Nazi-fascist military man won an award.

The incident immediately aroused the indignation of several people who expressed their repudiation of such a despicable event, both on social networks and through direct complaints made to government officials.

Given the seriousness of the event and the evidence of the cultural institution's inability to foresee it, the decision was made to immediately close the Maxim Rock Cultural Center, until the facts are clarified, the corresponding analyzes are carried out and the necessary measures are taken. disciplinary measures with each of those responsible for the event, which, in addition to constituting a violation of the directives for cultural programming, once again puts the issue of the dangers of cultural colonization on the table.

Regrettable incidents like this, which flagrantly violate the cultural policy of the Cuban Revolution, violate the morals and principles on which the Cuban social project is founded and hurt the anti-fascist, anti-racist and anti-Zionist citizen sensitivity, deserve all our repudiation and will receive the most energetic response from the institutional system of Culture.

At the same time we ratify the commitment of our institution to the promotion of all genres of music, particularly rock. Its promoters and its public, we are sure, will repudiate this fact. (Text and photo: Taken from the Facebook page of the Cuban Institute of Music)

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