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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Cuba, bombs, Gaza, Palestine, international organizations, war, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez

Díaz-Canel: another day of bombings on Gaza

Havana, November 1. -  "Another day of bombings on Gaza.  Another night of horror in Palestine. Another day of defeat for international organizations, unable to stop the war," lamented Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Cuban Communist Party and President of the Republic.

From his account on social network X, the Head of State categorized as a shame the veto in the United Nations Security Council to give impunity to the aggressor.

Today we are all Palestine, added the president on the social network, along with the hash tag #FreePalestine.

Last week, the United Nations Security Council failed to adopt a resolution on the conflict between Israel and Palestine.

In the face of the paralysis of the Security Council, the General Assembly met in a special emergency session, where a resolution calling for a humanitarian truce was adopted, immediate and lasting cessation of hostilities and the urgent establishment of mechanisms to protect the civilian population.

It also called for respect for international law, rejected the forced displacement of Palestinian civilians and called for emergency humanitarian aid.

The text was the first adopted after four projects failed in the Security Council since the outbreak of violence between Israel and Palestine on 7 October.

The death toll from the Israeli army’s bombing of the Gaza Strip has risen to more than 8,500, of which some 4,000 are children, according to the Palestinian enclave authorities this Tuesday.

Martin Griffiths, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, has described as devastating the situation of Palestinian families in the Gaza Strip as the Israeli forces' bombing of the territory progresses. (ACN) (Photo taken from the Internet)

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