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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Cuba, United Nations, economic blockade, United States, General Assembly, resolution

Debate begins today in the United Nations on the blockade of Cuba

Havana, 1st. Nov.- The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) begins today in New York City the first of two debate sessions on the draft resolution presented by Cuba, on the need to end the economic, commercial and financial blockade of the United States Government.

More than 50 speakers will speak this Wednesday when the forum meets for the thirty-first time to analyze the impact of the siege imposed against the Caribbean nation and considered the main obstacle to its development.

The document, prepared by virtue of UNGA resolution 77/7, will be put to a vote in said forum, where in the last three decades the international community has ratified the rejection of Washington's unilateral policy.

Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the island, is in the North American city to participate in these sessions of the international deliberative body, and in this Thursday he will present his country's report that calls for the lifting of unilateral coercive measures.

Recently, the Cuban Foreign Minister predicted that, as has happened since 1992, the world will demand Cuba's right to live without the effects of the blockade, in force for more than 60 years and reinforced, to unprecedented levels, in the context of COVID-19.

According to this report, at current prices, the accumulated damages amount to 159,084 million dollars, and between the 1st. March 2022 and February 28, 2023, reached four thousand 867 million dollars (405 million monthly).

The text emphasizes that the last year was marked by the continuous and deliberate application of the maximum pressure measures established during Donald Trump's mandate, the validity of the laws that make up this system of unilateral coercive measures, and the inertia and immobility of the current Administration of President Joseph Biden to promote real progress in bilateral relations between Cuba and the United States.

Authorities of the largest of the Antilles have denounced that the blockade is the central element that defines Washington's policy towards Havana, and its intensification deliberately seeks the collapse of the country.

The resolution presented by Cuba in 2022 was approved with 185 votes in favor, two against (United States and Israel) and two abstentions (Brazil and Ukraine). (ACN with information from PL) (Photo: @CubaMINREX)

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