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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Cuba, Vietnam, Supreme People's Court, Rubén Remigio Ferro, Pham Quoc Hung

Dynamic exchange between courts of Vietnam and Cuba stands out

Hanoi, Nov 13.- The president of the Supreme People's Court (TSP) of Cuba, Rubén Remigio Ferro, praised here today the dynamic exchange that exists with his Vietnamese counterpart, whom he thanked for his support and cooperation in the technological field.

There are similar points in the strategic approaches of both courts, which have to do with the commitment to build a socialist, prosperous and strengthened homeland under the guidance of the Communist Party and with the clear idea of ??serving the people, Remigio Ferro said in a meeting with the deputy head of the TSP of Vietnam, Pham Quoc Hung.

He also highlighted the deep and valuable exchanges of experiences in justice maintained by both institutions and recalled the high-level visits made by the TSP of Vietnam to Cuba.

Remigio Ferro, who arrived in this capital last Saturday, pointed out that the objective of his visit is to take advantage of the political, administrative and academic experiences of the Supreme People's Court with a view to its implementation in the Antillean nation.

Quoc Hung, for his part, referred to the success of the recent organization of the G-77 and China Summit in Havana, which he classified as a global contribution, who underlined the top priority that Cuba and Vietnam give to their special relations.

He affirmed that the Indochinese nation will continue to support Cuba and pointed out that the relations between the courts of both countries are long-standing and through them bilateral ties are also strengthened. As part of the work program, Remigio Ferro and his delegation held a meeting this Sunday with the president of the Hai Phong People's Court, where they also visited the area of ??historical relics of Bach Dang, declared a National Monument, and other sites of interest.

Remigio Ferro will also visit this Monday the Academy of Courts, in this capital, and tomorrow the People's Court of Hanoi, with the purpose of promoting the exchange of working groups and information and experiences in judicial reform.

The strengthening of the cooperative relationship has brought specific and practical benefits to the Vietnamese and Cuban judicial systems, contributing positively to the general development of each country and further strengthening the traditional relationship of friendly cooperation between the two peoples, said TSP of Vietnam in your website.

He also recalled the working visit to Vietnam carried out in August 2019 by the president of the TSP of Cuba, during which his counterpart Nguyen Hoa Binh ratified the willingness to promote comprehensive cooperation in all fields, especially the judicial field, to make it more deep, practical and effective and generate benefits for both countries. (Text and photo: PL)

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