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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Cuba, The Nation and Emigration Conference, Fidel Castro Ruz, United States

Fidel's thoughts at the IV Conference The Nation and Emigration

By Enrique Atiénzar Rivero/ Contributor.

The celebration of the IV Conference The Nation and Emigration, in the capital, maintains that Cuba does not ignore, in any way, its children who, for various reasons, reside abroad, respect and defend the soil where they were born .

It is worth remembering that the initiator of these meetings, with singular particularities, was Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, inspirer of brotherhood among men of good will and that its development was within a framework of mutual respect.

On September 6, 1978, during a press conference offered by Fidel to journalists and media linked to the Cuban community in the United States (USA), this possibility was announced.

The only condition that was set for the selection of participants in the conference was that “leaders of the counterrevolution” could not attend.

Any other representative person, regardless of their ideological orientation, if they were willing to work seriously to solve the problems that affect relations between the Cuban Government and the Cuban community in the United States, could participate in the conversations.” said the Historical Leader.

The popularity of the idea led to the first dialogue being held in Havana on November 20 and 21 with the attendance of 75 members of the Cuban community in the aforementioned North American country.

A few days later, on December 8, a second moment of dialogue took place. On that occasion, the number of members reached 140, among whom there were professionals, religious people and businessmen, to some former Batista supporters and participants in the invasion of Playa Girón.

The confirmation of some 400 compatriots in this Havana event that takes place between November 18 and 19, 2023, shows the interest in joining the efforts of the Greater Antilles for sustainable development, in the midst of the cruel and criminal economic blockade. commercial and financial of the United States towards our country.

Since mid-week, those registered to participate arrived, while Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and president of the Republic, offered the welcome.

He expressed on the social network

Immigration, culture, identity, economic development and investments were included on the agenda of the Conference in progress.

Read also: Bruno Rodríguez: we are honored that they are in the Homeland for this reunion

As Fidel said decades ago: “(…) the Community must be respected. The Community exists. The Community is a force and the Community is taken into account.” And that is what is happening. (Image: Cubaminrex)

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