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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

María Elena Bonneval Vázquez, Madeleine Gastemiza Díaz, commitment, profession

María Elena and Madeleine: pharmacists from Camagüey writing commitement pages (+ Photos)

Camagüey, Nov 22.- Pharmacists María Elena Bonneval Vázquez and Madeleine Gastemiza Díaz share a long history in their work, with 30 and 26 years of experience respectively, both claim to have a strong sense of belonging and commitment to their profession.

Since 1988, Bonneval Vázquez has been the administrator of the pharmacy located on República Street on the corner of Carlos J. Finlay in the city of Camagüey. Despite being of retirement age, she assures that she has the necessary strength to continue working, since her activity is a integral part of your life.

She proudly confessed that being a union leader and fulfilling an internationalist mission in Venezuela filled her heart with love.

Made, as her colleagues know her, is an example of the sensitivity that should prevail in pharmaceutical professionals. She works in Unit 649 adjacent to the Eduardo Agramonte Piña Provincial Pediatric Hospital, where she works as technical manager.

In addition to being a teacher, she has shared her knowledge with other public health professionals in Camagüey over the last twenty years, among them is Naylan Cruz Mejías, who is in charge of the preparation of master formulas such as bicarbonate for children in the nephrology room.

Despite the limitations imposed by the US blockade, these women remain firm in their mission to control and regulate the sale of medicines, as well as in the development of alternatives that relieve and benefit people, their support and encouragement are essential to continue writing delivery pages. (Text and photos: Gladys Dailyn Morera Cordero/Radio Cadena Agramonte)

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