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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Cuba, innovative thinking, XI Congress of Scientific-Technical Information and Informatics in Construction

Computer Science in Construction Congress: an event for innovative thinking

Havana, Nov 23.- With the premise that innovative thinking must prevail, the XI Congress of Scientific-Technical Information and Informatics in Construction (Cicons 2023) was inaugurated.

Ángel Vilaragut Montes de Oca, First Deputy Minister of Construction, stated that the event arose from the need to have a forum where construction specialists could exchange knowledge to improve the sector.

The event has become, over time, a space where architects, engineers, designers, computer scientists, teachers and students also participate, he said.

Cicons, which has not met since 2019, has in its eleventh edition the will to take on challenges through the hard-working vocation of those who belong to the construction industry in Cuba, said the first vice minister.

The event focuses on applied sciences and knowledge shared between various branches to offer practical solutions to the problems of construction activity in the largest of the Antilles, said Vilaragut Montes de Oca.

During three days of work, the results will be presented in academic order and how they are applied in practice to optimize a strategic area for the country, he commented.

He pointed out that its participants are united by the desire to publicize good practices in the use of technologies and communication as tools to inform the population about the transformations that occur in construction in the Antillean nation.

In tune with digitalization and the dizzying changes that this process has brought, we are forced to use electronic commerce, carry out online procedures and bring goods and services closer to the people.

The construction sector has to computerize its processes and Cicons 2023 will become a platform for the Ministry of Construction and its entities to immerse themselves even further in their digital transformation strategy, he assured.

He announced that next year the Specialized Construction Fair will be held, to complement the experiences of the event that will take place these days in Havana.

In its first work session, Cicons 2023 hosted keynote conferences by Jorge Legañoa Alonso, vice president of the Institute of Information and Social Communication, and Luis Velázquez Pérez, president of the Cuban Academy of Sciences.

Legañoa Alonso's intervention addressed the application of the recently approved Social Communication Law and its relationship with timely strategic communication from institutions, while Velázquez Pérez referred to the role of science academies in facing current challenges in the country.

Today the Congress will host a panel dedicated to digital transformation at the Center for the Development of Construction Standards and Costs and various state companies and new actors linked to the sector will present their experiences in the computerization of processes.

Cicons 2023 will end on November 24. (ACN) (Photo: Taken from the Internet)

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