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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Camagüey, Cuba, Camagüey Military Region, Granma landing, Revolutionary Armed Forces, FAR

Camagüey Military Region ratifies commitment to the defense of the Homeland (+ Photos)

Camagüey, Dec. 2.- Loyalty to the legacy of the Commander in Chief, permanent guide for performance on all combat fronts, was ratified during the act of promotion to the next higher rank, in the Camagüey Military Region, on the occasion of the 67th anniversary of the Granma yacht landing and Day of the Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR).

At the event, 26 officers received such encouragement, based on their positive results in the service and their personal, military and political qualities, with the challenge now of achieving new goals that strengthen the people's recognition for the fulfillment of duty, the sense of belonging and the commitment to the armed institution they represent.

This was expressed by the recently promoted to the rank of captain, Mailín Puig Almaguer, who expressed the duty to continue the teachings of those young people who, under the direction of Fidel, starred in the crossing of the Granma and the formation of the Rebel Army.

When delivering the central words, Colonel Waldemar Massó Montalvo, chief of the General Staff of the Camagüey Military Region, assured that the members of the FAR in the land of Ignacio Agramonte will continue faithful to the ideas of the Historical Leader of the Cuban Revolution.

Among the priorities he listed the strengthening of the levels of combative disposition, the formation of patriotic-revolutionary values, the contribution to saving resources, the promotion of food production and the deepening of the ideological combat, which acquires greater significance in the current unconventional war scenario promoted by the United States against Cuba.

The commemorative Seal for the 60th anniversary of the constitution of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) in the FAR was received by Ricardo Muñagorris Rodríguez, for his dedication, dedication and sense of belonging in militancy.

In addition, the Provincial Bureau of the PCC and the Government of Popular Power at that same level, along with other agencies, institutions and organizations, recognized the Camagüey Military Region for its dedication to the tasks of defending the homeland.

The ceremony was attended by Walter Simón Noris, member of the Provincial Bureau of the Party; First Colonel Gilberto Pozo Fresno, head of the Camagüey Military Region; Vice Governor Yennis León Mayedo; First Colonel Landres Gutiérrez Torres, head of the Provincial Headquarters of the Ministry of the Interior; and Brigadier General Heriberto Burgos Ronquillo, head of the Defense Directorate; in addition to other authorities.

The promotion ceremony that evoked the 67th anniversary of the Granma landing and Day of the Revolutionary Armed Forces distinguished the permanent objective of fidelity to the preservation of independence and sovereignty. (Text and photos: Juan Mendoza Medina/ Radio Cadena Agramonte)

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