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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Camagüey, Industrial Fishing Company, national event, Santa Cruz del Sur, EPISUR, Fishing Industry Worker's Day, food industry, union, productive results

Company from Camagüey ready for Fishing Industry Worker's Day (+ Photos)

Camagüey, February 20.- The Industrial Fishing Company of Santa Cruz del Sur (EPISUR) is getting ready to celebrate the Workers' Day of this industrial sector, on April 8, after obtaining the headquarters of the national event for the anniversary.

The Communication Group of the Assembly of People’s Power of that municipality of Camagüey recently shared the news that supports the results of a group recognized for its capture arts, constant innovation in complex conditions for the country and the commitment of its men and women. women.

This was highlighted by Jorge Luis Fajardo Casas, general secretary of the National Union of Food Industry and Fishing Workers, who announced some of the comprehensive results of 2023, when it was the best productive entity of the Business Group to which it belongs.

Union indicators, optimization of resources, ship repairs and diversification of production, as well as the import of a new line of sausages and products, and other advances related to food marketing and the development of points of sales add to the elements to deserve the headquarters.

The union leader added that in 2023 EPISUR achieved two Labor Prowess flags, delivered to the Lobster Fleet and the Scale Fishing Fleet, which reaffirms the comprehensiveness and use of the work day.

The industry is a potential, he said when mentioning the alternatives to maintain human resources and report profits in the face of difficulties with energy carriers.

The union leader specified that during the day that began last January 25, Food Industry Worker's Day, various activities will be carried out in all groups as part of the tribute to the outstanding centers in the country that contribute to the substitution of imports and exports of various items for the advancement of the nation's economy. (Gladys Dailyn Morera Cordero/Radio Cadena Agramonte) (Photos: Facebook page of the Municipal Assembly of People’s Power of Santa Cruz del Sur)

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