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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Cuba, school year, education, school calendar, Official Gazette, Ministry of Education, Primary, Highschool

Calendars for the 2023-2024 school year in the Official Gazette (+ PDF)

Havana, February 22.- The school calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year, which organizes and regulates the teaching-educational process that takes place in the institutions of the different subsystems of the National Education System, in order to guarantee correct compliance with the study plans and programs, has been published in Resolution 130/2023, included in No. 5 of the Official Gazette of the Republic.

The document explains that the current school period consists of 44 weeks between September 4, 2023 and July 20, 2024.

Two periods of school recess are included, in tribute and salute to the triumph of the Revolution (already enjoyed) and the one dedicated to the Victory of Girón (from April 15 to 20, 2024).

For early childhood education (including preschool), it is specified that these days must be organized by the board of directors, based on the study of the possible attendance of boys and girls, so that the teaching force is divided into two groups, to so that some can take a break and others can carry out recreational activities. This ensures that the center remains open for mothers who need it.

In the case of Primary Education, the diagnosis process is established between the periods from June 3 to June 28, 2024.

Meanwhile, Junior Highschool will have the uniqueness that the last evaluations of the subjects that do not have a final test will be carried out in the last two weeks before the start of the final exams. For the administration of the two final tests in seventh grade, three days are used, and the rest will be for differentiated attention.

In eighth grade, four days will be used for differentiated attention, before the four final tests. The revaluation and the extraordinary will be applied to all subjects in the weeks from June 24 to July 6.

The entrance exams to Higher Education will be held between May 6 and June 29.

A holiday period is set between July 22 and August 24 of this year. (Text and photo: Granma)

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