Cuba, XII Congress, Union of Young Communists, UJC, Miguel Díaz-Canel, Communist Party, PCC, Revolution

Young people from Camagüey contributed valuable criteria to the plenary session of the XII Congress (+ Photos)

Havana, April 4.- The delegates from Camagüey to the XII Congress of the Union of Young Communists (UJC) today featured important topics of debate in the plenary session, which was attended by the first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) and president of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez.

The only pioneer invited to the event, Yoselín Patricia Ramos Padrón, advocated for the opportunity of a Congress of pioneers like the one her parents experienced with Fidel at their side.

She added that the ideological work with children has to be updated, inserted into their attraction to new technologies and based on national culture and knowledge of history, based on healthy recreation in which palaces and camps are also essential. of pioneers.

Also from Camagüey and president of the University Student Federation, Ricardo Rodríguez González, reaffirmed the commitment of his organization and the Federation of Secondary Education Students with the continuity of the Revolution.

Meanwhile, the young journalist Jorge Enrique Jerez Belisario, alluded to his militancy for 17 years in the UJC and the experiences it has given him, while he ratified his commitment to Fidel and Raúl Castro to train as a revolutionary and reiterated the words he expressed in the IV Congress of the José Martí Pioneers Organization: "My hands and legs are limited, but my mind and my heart are at the service of the Revolution."

Likewise, the president of the Cuban Parliament, Esteban Lazo Hernández, Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz, other members of the Political Bureau and the Central Committee of the PCC, and representing the Historical Generation, the Commanders of the Revolution Ramiro Valdés Menéndez and Guillermo García Frías with the Commander of the Rebel Army José Ramón Machado Ventura.

With the election of the new leadership of the organization, a person from Camagüey also became a non-professional member of the National Bureau, Laura Marian Bacallao Padrón, who serves as General Secretary of the UJC Committee of the University of Camagüey Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz.

The meeting that began last April 2 brought together 500 delegates and guests, of them 31 from Camagüey. (Text: Dania Díaz Socarrás/ Radio Cadena Agramonte)(Photo: Casa Editora Abril)

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