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United States, extreme right, pressure, Cuba, Cuban Americans, article, newspaper, The Nation

Maximum pressure against Cuba, minority sentiment in the United States


Washington, May 15.- The far-right enthusiasts of maximum pressure against Cuba do not speak for all Cuban Americans, perhaps not even for the majority of them, stated today an article published in the American newspaper The Nation.

The journalistic material, signed by David Montgomery, commented on the letter sent last week to President Joe Biden by ACERE, a coalition against the blockade and for the normalization of ties between the two countries, signed by more than 100 groups and 650 people.

The letter issued a warning to Democrats and the Biden administration: act now to stop the United States' complicity in the economic suffering of millions in Cuba or risk alienating a key group of supporters in these close presidential elections, he emphasized.

According to writing in The Nation, while Biden faces high-profile pressure from activists within the Democratic Party and the progressive base due to his administration's continued support for Israel's war in Gaza, there is another aspect to his policy. exterior that generates criticism and dampens enthusiasm: but with less public attention.

Advocates of a return to Barack Obama's policy of engagement with Cuba are trying to turn that calculus on its head.

He noted that polls suggest there is something to this logic, even in South Florida. In Miami-Dade County, support for diplomatic relations with Cuba and opposition to the more than 60-year-old economic, commercial and financial blockade have declined since reaching high points at the end of the Obama administration.

But 53 percent of Cubans still favor diplomatic relations, and larger majorities also support the sale of food (64 percent), medicine (72), and the implementation of policies to improve the economic well-being of the Cuban people. (64), stated the Cuba 2022 Survey from Florida International University.

Advocates, organized by the Alliance for Commitment and Respect to Cuba (ACERE) coalition, point out that, in his 2020 campaign, Biden promised to do just that.

As president, I will quickly reverse Trump's failed policies that have inflicted harm on the Cuban people and done nothing to promote democracy and human rights, he told Americas Quarterly in March 2020.

However, although Biden has eased some additional sanctions that Trump imposed to reinforce the blockade, individual American tourists still cannot visit Cuba, American investors cannot freely support Cuban businessmen, the opinion argued.

The most damaging thing of all - he stressed - is that Biden left in force Trump's last-minute designation of Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism, which according to experts has paralyzed the country's access to international banking and world markets. (Text and photo: PL)

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