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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Camagüey, Cuba, Journalists, Upec, Yurislenia Pardo Ortega, Journalism, newspaper

Youth Journalism Contest in Camagüey

Camagüey, June 20 - The Union of Cuban Journalists (Upec) in Camagüey announces the Youth Journalism Provincial Contest "Yurislenia Pardo Ortega" In Memoriam, to pay tribute to this colleague, who during more than a decade in which she practiced journalism deserved several awards and stood out for the quality of her materials in the Radio and the newspaper Adelante.

The contest has the objective of promoting the participation of students and recently graduated journalists in the contests organized by the Upec of the territory, as well as to distinguish the quality of the materials published in the different press media.

The deadline for entries is July 22 and it is open to journalism students and press professionals from Camagüey having graduated up to two years ago, with works published from September 1, 2023 to July 20, 2024.

The categories to compete will be Print Journalism (written press and news agencies), Radio Journalism, Audiovisual Journalism, Hypermedia Journalism and Graphic Journalism, in the variants of photography, infographics and other graphic productions.

The sample to compete must be delivered at the Casa de la Prensa and the Jury will be composed of three professionals under 35 years of age from different media, who will announce the award on August 12 in honor of the International Youth Day. (Text and photo: From the University of Camagüey website with information from Upec Camagüey)

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