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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Camagüey, pumping, investment, station, Pontezuela reservoir, water supply, water, population

Water Resources prioritizes investment in Pontezuela reservoir in Camagüey (+ Photos)

Camagüey, June 20 - The implementation of new pumping systems and the completion of a new pipeline are part of the investment process being carried out at the Pontezuela reservoir station in Camagüey, with the aim of improving water supply to the population.

Located 28 kilometers north of the capital of Camagüey, the reservoir was the first to be built in the province with the purpose of supplying the city before 1959.

At present, the dam has a total storage capacity of approximately seven million cubic meters of water, and is half full.

Engineer Luis Miguel Garrigas Fonseca, supervisor of the work for Hydraulic Engineering Services Company of Camagüey, pointed out that the investment contemplates the incorporation of four cutting-edge engines, one of which is already in operation. These engines will be used in an initial phase to contribute to the water supply in the city.

Meanwhile, specialized teams from the Hydraulic Services Maintenance and Rehabilitation Company are working on the completion of the 22 kilometers of the new pipeline that will transport water to the treatment plant.

In this sense, Engineer Adrián Moncada Hernández explained that the work is 90 percent complete, with only 180 meters remaining for the installation of the 800-millimeter high-density polyethylene pipelines. (Text and Photos: Gleibis Gómez Durvas/Radio Cadena Agramonte)

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