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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Cuba, FAO, livestock

FAO supports livestock project in Cuba

Havana, July 9 - The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) announced its support for a livestock development project in eastern Cuba.

A statement issued in Havana on Tuesday says that promoting the development of sustainable livestock in eastern Cuba is one of the purposes of the Sustainable Agricutural Landscapes project.

The program is implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture (MINAG), with technical assistance from FAO and funds from the Global Environment Facility.

The initiative promotes the adoption of practices and technologies that enable livestock producers to adapt to climate challenges, contribute positively to climate change mitigation and reduce their environmental footprint in the municipalities of Guisa, Bartolomé Masó, Buey Arriba (Granma); Guamá (Santiago de Cuba) and Baracoa and Maisí (Guantanamo).

As part of the climate-smart livestock approach, pasture management, the implementation of silvopastoral systems, as well as animal welfare and health are promoted through appropriate management and care practices that reduce animal stress and improve their productive efficiency.

To this end, we are strengthening the implementation of practices for the reproduction of mules by providing various inputs for artificial insemination and improving the welfare and management of animals used to transport coffee production in mountainous areas.

Other actions include the management of animal waste for soil fertilization to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Climate-smart livestock farming will enable producers and farmers in the region to transform livestock production systems towards more sustainable, resilient and environmentally friendly models, the message insists. (Text and photo: Prensa Latina)

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