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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Cuba, US SSOT list, US

Growing world rejection of Cuba’s inclusion in US SSOT list

Havana, July 10 - To date, almost 50 governments globally have rejected Cuba's inclusion in Washington's State Sponsors of Terrorism (SSOT) list, the Cuban Foreign Ministry (MINREX) informed on Wednesday.

Statements of rejection by movements, organizations, institutions, activists, and international figures who described this designation as unjust and arbitrary, and denounced its consequences for the Cuban nation and families also added to the demand.

In a letter addressed to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) urged the Joe Biden administration to remove Cuba from that list and take the path of mutual understanding.

The Russian State Duma (Lower House of the Federal Assembly) also rejected Washington’s provision, which limits the rights of Cubans in and outside their country, and hinders any humanitarian aid, business, investment, and trade for this nation and its citizens.

The persecution of financial transactions to and from Cuban territory and commercial relations affects all spheres of life.

Paradoxically, while the United States keeps Cuba on that list, it harbors groups that organize, finance, and carry out terrorist actions on its territory to undermine the revolutionary process.

On Monday, Cuba’s Interior Ministry (MININT) revealed details of an infiltration operation recently thwarted by specialized forces from that institution, aimed at attacking economic, social, and military targets with destabilizing purposes.

According to analysts, the US Government’s double standards in dealing with such a sensitive issue as terrorism expose the true nature of the policy with which successive US administrations have sought to overthrow the Cuban Revolution for more than six decades. (Text and photo: Prensa Latina)

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