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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Cuba, epic, landing, Granma yacht, history

Remembrance in Cuba of Granma yacht 68th landing anniversary

Havana, Nov 30.- With the panel The Epic of Granma: Bow to Hope, Cuban writers and intellectuals will remember this Monday, at the Fayad Jamís Bookstore in Havana, the 68th anniversary of the landing of the Granma yacht, a fact that transcends history today .

There, researchers and journalists Katiuska Blanco and Daily Sánchez will talk with journalist and critic Fernando Rodríguez about the arrival of that boat at Las Coloradas beach, on December 2, 1956, with Fidel Castro and 81 other expedition members on board to liberate Cuba. of Batista's tyranny.

Author of an extensive literature linked to the life and work of the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution, Katiuska Blanco placed mastery in titles such as All the time of the cedars. Family landscape of Fidel Castro Ruz, Ángel, the Galician root of Fidel and Fidel. Biography.

Meanwhile, Daily Sánchez stands out for its texts Pichirilo, the Dominican from Granma, winner of the 26 de Julio Prize of the Revolutionary Armed Forces in 2014, and Raúl Gómez García, the journalist from Moncada. (Text and photo: PL)

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