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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR)

Cuban President congratulates soldiers on FAR’s Day

Havana, Dec 1st. - The President of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, today congratulated the members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR), on the occasion of the Day of that armed institution.

On his profile in X, the president congratulated Army General Raúl Castro, the Commanders of the Revolution, the founding fighters and the new generations of military personnel of the FAR, whom he described as the force of the people and for the people, from the seed planted in the Sierra to these difficult days.

The ephemeral recalls the disembarkation of 82 expeditionaries, headed by Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro, in the east of the country on the yacht Granma, which began, today 68 years ago, the guerrilla struggle in the Sierra Maestra.

Upon their arrival, the combatants were besieged by the army and aviation of Dictator Fulgencio Batista (1952-1859), and barely and with heavy losses, managed to reach the Sierra Maestra, the main mountain range of the island. After being surprised and dispersed by the Batista troops, the young people regrouped and formed the nucleus of the Rebel Army that fought the dictatorship in the mountains of the east of the island until the revolutionary triumph of January 1, 1959.

The survivors of the post-landing fighting formed the embryo of the Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR), formed after the revolutionary triumph of January 1, 1959 by Army General Raúl Castro, with the merger of rebel forces with the working, peasant, student and university militias.

The Cuban Armed Forces are composed of four Army Corps (Western, Central, Eastern and Youth Labour) and carried out internationalist missions in several African countries to contribute to the processes of national liberation and the end of apartheid. (Text and photo: PL)

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