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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Cuba, Electrical Worker's Day, effort, National Electroenergy System (SEN), fuels

Social recognition of electric workers grows in Cuba despite adversities

Havana, January 14. - Cuba celebrates Electrical Worker's Day today in the context of the laudable effort of that sector to keep the National Electroenergy System (SEN) vital, which is suffering among other problems due to the lack of fuel.

The Government of the island, in attention to the priority that it has granted to this activity, decided to allocate tens of thousands of pesos to increase the salary and other income of electric workers, whose social recognition grows in line with the adversities.

In addition to encouraging its members for such important work, the commemoration of the Day of the Electrical Worker recalls the intervention of the Cuban Electricity Company by the revolutionary Antonio Guiteras on a similar date in 1934.

The complex economic situation on the island, accentuated by the intensification of the US blockade, is reflected with particular harshness in this activity and has a direct effect on the interruption of the electrical service.

In this context, the workers of the sector dedicate long days to the rehabilitation of the power generating plants, and to the search for their own innovations to counteract technological obsolescence and the impossibility of carrying out all the planned maintenance.

Despite the limitations of financial and material resources, Cubans recognize the expertise, willingness and efforts of the electrical workers during the SEN disconnections that took place in 2024 as a result of the aforementioned problems.

Likewise, this sector stands out with particular relevance in the replacement of lines, high voltage towers and the restoration of electrical service, after the passage of meteorological phenomena such as hurricanes Oscar, Rafael and the earthquakes that affected several Cuban provinces last year.

The sector, together with several State agencies, undertakes crucial investments to transform the nation's energy matrix, including the installation of dozens of photovoltaic solar parks that will contribute to reducing dependence on fossil resources that are increasingly expensive in the international market. (Text and photo: PL)

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